
Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
WSJ | The Fed Plan to Revive High-Powered Money
Unless you are part of the tiny portion of humanity that dotes on every utterance of the Federal Open Market Committee, you probably missed an important statement regarding the arcane world of "excess reserves" buried deep in the minutes of its Oct. 29-30 policy meeting. It reads: "[M]ost participants thought that a reduction by the Board of Governors in the interest rate paid on excess reserves could be worth considering at some stage."
Fortune | Volcker loopholes: Here are all the crazy trades big banks can still make
You would think that the trades that busted MF Global and Long-Term Capital Management would be barred under Volcker. Think again.
Market Watch | Central banks will move goal posts to keep QE forever
Forget the reforms in China, whether the euro survives, or whether Apple ever gets around to launching that incredibly expensive watch that sends e-mails, plays games, and possibly even tells you what time it is.

WSJ | Inflation Likely to Continue Below 2%, Fed Paper Suggests
The Federal Reserve‘s preferred inflation measure has been undershooting the central bank’s official 2% target in recent months, hovering at about half that level. A new paper from the San Francisco Fed suggests the trend is likely to continue despite policy makers’ hopes that the decline would be temporary.