
Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Washington Times | Taming the regulatory tax monster
That’s the cost of all regulations (good, bad and indifferent) imposed on Americans by the 60 or so government agencies that contribute to the 175,000-page (and growing) Code of Federal Regulations.
Mercatus | A Survey of Sales Tax Exemptions in the States: Understanding Sales Taxes and Sales Tax Exemptions
Politicians face conflicting demands from diverse constituent interests. When maximizing their vote share in elections, they attempt to balance these demands. A good example of these conflicting demands concerns taxes.

WSJ | Why a Bag Tax Works Better Than a Reusable Bag Bonus
Government policies, no matter how well-intentioned, often fail to achieve their goals. Practitioners of the rapidly expanding field of behavioral economics, which seeks to better understand why people do what they do, are laboring to change that.