
Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Bloomberg | U.S. Cross-Border Outflow of Capital Hits Highest Since 2009
A measure of capital flowing in and out of the U.S. in December showed the biggest net selling since February 2009, according to Treasury Department data released today.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
CATO | Cutting the $4 Trillion Budget
Media attention on the federal budget usually focuses on contentious issues, such as the debt limit, food stamp cuts, and Republican cave-ins. But let’s look at the big picture: What does the government spend almost $4 trillion of our money on each year?
Heritage Foundation | Blank Check: What It Means to Suspend the Debt Limit
Some commentators have criticized use of the phrase “blank check” to describe the recent vote to suspend the debt limit for more than a year. They argue that the debt limit suspension merely means that the Treasury is allowed to borrow for the purpose of covering spending Congress already approved.