National Journal | Why I'm Getting Sick of Defending Obamacare
It's getting difficult and slinking toward impossible to defend the Affordable Care Act. The latest blow to Democratic candidates, liberal activists, and naïve columnists like me came Monday from the White House, which announced yet another delay in the Obamacare implementation.
Econ Comments & Analysis
WSJ | Obama Rewrites ObamaCare
'ObamaCare" is useful shorthand for the Affordable Care Act not least because the law increasingly means whatever President Obama says it does on any given day. His latest lawless rewrite arrived on Monday as the White House decided to delay the law's employer mandate for another year and in some cases maybe forever.
Real Clear Markets | The Latest CBO News Turns a Dream Into a Nightmare
For Republicans, Obamacare is the political gift that keeps on giving. Its latest generosity came wrapped in a mundane Congressional Budget Office report. However, it contained three damaging estimates that the administration's health plan would further reduce work, earnings, and employees receiving employer-provided health care.