
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Health Care

Daily Signal | This Chart Shows How Many Obamacare Enrollees’ Self-Reported Citizenship Status Doesn’t Match Federal Data
According to a report released by the Office of Inspector General at the Department of Health and Human Services earlier this month, “the online federal marketplace could not resolve nearly 90 percent (or 2.6 million) of its 2.9 million data ‘inconsistencies,’ which include citizenship status, income, incarceration status, and Social Security numbers,” as Marguerite Bowling reported last week for The Daily Signal. This chart breaks down those numbers.
WSJ | Report Raises Red Flags on Medicare Lab Billing
Medicare allowed $1.7 billion in 2010 payments to clinical laboratories for claims that raised red flags, according to a report to be released Wednesday, the latest example of how the federal insurance program for the elderly and disabled is susceptible to misspending and abuse.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Washington Times | Health savings accounts far better than Obamacare
It’s fortunate the Supreme Court of the United States saw fit last week to rule that corporations could not be coerced into covering religiously objectionable forms of birth control for their employees. This was a critical ruling because it indicates that the majority of the court still thinks that religious beliefs and personal choice have a valid place in American society. The margin of the split decision, however, is alarming because it reminds us of how close we are to having a government that will subject moral convictions to its bureaucratically directed control.