
Tuesday, July 1, 2014


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Washington Times | An act of economic strangulation
Do you know why the U.S. economy shrank almost 3 percent in the first quarter of this year? When the news of the dreadful gross domestic product (GDP) number came out last week, many were surprised, but none were more surprised than the folks in the Obama administration. Many of their supporters had been saying this was the year of a real economic recovery.
Mercatus | A Tale of Three Taxpayers
Have income tax cuts really favored the wealthy at the expense of middle- and lower-income earners? Much of the popular rhetoric says they have; as one 2011 article puts it: “The effective tax burdens on the wealthy are lower now than at almost any time in the past fifty years, thanks to past rate cuts and a proliferation of tax exemptions which . . . shower most of their benefits on the affluent.” Yet analysts can parse tax data in various ways to prove or disprove this point.
Heritage Foundation | Read My Bits: No New Taxes (Permanently)
At midnight on October 31, Congress’s long-standing moratorium on state Internet taxation expires, freeing state and local governments to tax online access and other Web services enjoyed by Americans.

WSJ | Epitaph for the Corporate Income Tax
All those recent headlines about more U.S. companies contorting themselves to move their legal headquarters to Ireland or Britain could serve as an epitaph for the 105-year-old U.S. corporate income tax.