
Monday, July 14, 2014


CNN Money | Drug maker willing to pay more to escape U.S. tax
Chicago drug maker AbbVie is a big step closer to slashing its tax bill: Its U.K. takeover target, Shire, said it would recommend accepting a new, higher bid.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Real Clear Markets | Why Targeted Tax Breaks From States Don't Work
Nobody knows what the total value is of all the tax breaks given by state and location governments as incentives to attract or keep businesses within their borders. A 2012 estimate by the New York Times placed the sum somewhere above $80 billion per year. All these incentives create three problems: states over-compete against each other, local communities become hostages to large employers, and small, perhaps innovative companies are placed at a clear disadvantage.
Washington Times | Enabling American companies to compete at home and abroad
Consensus regarding the need to repair our long-broken tax code can be easily found among lawmakers of all stripes — Republican or Democrat — and pro-reform talking points are never in short supply.
AEI | Fixing the child care penalty
The current tax code denies families appropriate tax relief for work-related child care expenses. A new Senate bill would help correct this problem.