
Monday, August 18, 2014


Bloomberg | Part-Time Workers a Full-Time Headache on Yellen Radar: Economy
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has a stubborn warning light blinking on her labor market dashboard: A group of Americans larger than Washington state’s population can find only part-time work.
WSJ | The Outlook: Federal Reserve Bets Rate Rise Can Wait
Officials Say Economic Indicators and Financial Markets Aren't Pointing to Overheating.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Market Watch | Yellen to stress patience on rates at Jackson Hole
Economists expect Yellen to give a master-class explaining why she believes there is still a lot of slack in the job market. Yellen is likely to review her dashboard, a set of statistics she highlighted earlier this year.
American Enterprise Institute | The American banking system might not last until Monday
When faced by a banking system that might not last until Monday, powerful central bankers and governments will do whatever they think they need to. This can include cooking the books, ordering around private parties as governments turn to coercion, and sending good money after bad, all in the hope of bridging the crisis. In time, the crisis does pass and losses are taken. Life goes on. Memories fade.

WSJ: Real Time Economics | When Packing for Jackson Hole, Include These Economic Reports
Before Jackson Hole gets under way, Ms. Yellen and other policy makers will have new information on housing and inflation, two topics that feed into their thinking on the economy and policy.