
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

General Economics

Wall Street Journal | U.S. Earnings Reassure Investors but Growth Lags
America’s companies have a message for markets: Don’t panic yet.
Market Watch | Homeownership drops to two-decade low
Showing that the housing market is still far from normal, U.S. homeownership dropped to the lowest rate in two decades, with declines across the country and income spectrum, according to government data released Tuesday.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Wall Street Journal | Obama Soaks the Rich, Drowns the Middle Class
The curse of the U.S. economy today is the downward trend in “take-home pay.” This is the most crucial economic indicator for most Americans, but when President Obama said in a recent speech at Northwestern that nearly every economic measure shows improvement from five years ago, he conspicuously left this one out.