
Thursday, December 18, 2014

General Economics

Market Watch | U.S. jobless claims fall 6,000 to 289,000 in mid-December
The number of people who applied for U.S. unemployment benefits fell by 6,000 to 289,000 in the seven days ended Dec. 13, keeping initial jobless claims at a low level typically associated with strong hiring.
Market Watch | Google is now bigger than Mother Russia’s entire market
Americans hardly had time to savor the schadenfreude of Vladimir Putin’s financial Chernobyl before North Korea managed to flip the script on the evil Yankee imperialists, it appears.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Wall Street Journal | Trade Will Lead to Freedom
President Obama’s announcement that he wants to restore diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Cuba immediately brings up the U.S. trade embargo of that country. Mr. Obama and the new Republican Congress now have a historic opportunity to lift the embargo.