
Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Fortune | 5 budget assumptions that won't happen
From Medicare savings to tax revenues, the latest budget from President Obama includes scenarios that almost certainly will never play out.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Forbes | Cutting Through the Spin: What Obama's Budget Reveals
The federal budget is a dense document totaling hundreds of pages of numbers. Yet, for all of the digital precision, the use of various “base line” budgets, numbers that span 11-year time frames and other arcana known only to Washington insiders and budget mavens obscure more than they reveal about what the federal government is up to.
WSJ | A Better Grecian Bailout
With Tuesday's vote, the finance ministers of the European Union have agreed to a second giant Greek bailout, just two years after the May 2010 bailout that was supposed to be all that was needed.
CATO | We're Already Europe
With seemingly every day bringing more bad news from Europe, many are beginning to ask how much longer the United States has before our welfare state follows the European model into bankruptcy. The bad news is: It may already have.

National Review | Another Greek Bailout but Still Little Chance of Recovery
An agreement was reached on a $170 billion Greek bailout last night. The deal — the second one — is meant to buy some time for Greece to fix its financial crisis and hopefully signals to the world that a Greek default — and its possibly disastrous consequences — will be forestalled, at least for now.