
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Health Care

National Journal | Doctors Slow To Adopt Electronic Health Records
A new study from the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions shows that while doctors are optimistic that they will be able to adopt new information technology systems, they still have a ways to go before the technology becomes mainstream.
National Journal | Paying Up Front for Emergency Care
Next time you go to an emergency room, be prepared for this: If your problem isn't urgent, you may have to pay up front.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
CRS | Federalism Challenge to Medicaid Expansion Under the Affordable Care Act: Florida v. Department of Health and Human Services
In March 2010, the 111th Congress passed P.L. 111-148, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as amended by P.L. 111-152, the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. Jointly referred to as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the ACA, among other things, expands Medicaid eligibility.

Heritage Foundation | Despotism, Thy Name Is Obamacare
Two years ago, everything about Obamacare was in the future. Recall the revealing comment at the time by then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D–CA) that Congress had to pass the legislation to see what was in it. Now that the disputed law is in its implementation stage, Americans are beginning to see what is in it and what it means for them. Welcome to the future.