
Monday, November 5, 2012


WSJ | Japan Steps Back From Fiscal Cliff
Japan inched away from a fiscal cliff as the main political parties finally agreed to debate a bill to raise the debt ceiling, just a month before a possible suspension of government payments and halt to bond auctions.
Bloomberg | G-20 Tells U.S. to Avoid Fiscal Cliff as Focus Widens
Global finance chiefs pressed the U.S. to avoid harming the fragile world economy with excessive austerity, widening their focus on fiscal challenges beyond concerns over Europe’s debt woes.
National Journal | Boehner Expects 'Bridge' On Fiscal Cliff
House Speaker John Boehner doesn't expect a grand bargain avoiding the fiscal cliff to materialize in a lame duck session of Congress, but that doesn't mean the country is headed over the edge. Instead, Boehner said Sunday, he thinks Congress and the White House will find a way to punt the looming deadlines on the debt ceiling, the Bush tax cuts and the budget sequester into 2013.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Politico | Grand bargain requirements
While voters are focused on the presidential election, some conscientious policy leaders have been contemplating different scenarios for addressing our current economic crisis. Regardless of who wins the presidency and which party controls Congress, America is on an unsustainable economic path.

Political Calculations | President Obama's Debt, Measured in Gold
How much gold would the U.S. Treasury have to pay out from the nation's bullion depository at Fort Knox to fully pay off the national debt of $16.222 trillion (as of 1 November 2012)?