
Monday, November 5, 2012


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Real Clear Markets | The Female Wage Gap Is a Major Economic Myth
We constantly hear that discrimination and exploitation force women to make 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. It's time to end the wage gap myth with a dose of common sense economics.
Washington Times | Breaking down the jobless numbers
President Obama and the Democrats are trumpeting the decline of the unemployment rate, but many people are confused by all the statistics. In general, statistics can’t be trusted.
NY Post | Obamanomics = never enough jobs
The core of President Obama’s re-election argument is this: The economy is on the right track; things are getting better — stay the course.
Real Clear Markets | U.S. Presidents and Job Creation: Winners and Losers
How do U.S. presidents in the postwar period stack up against one another in terms of job growth during their time in office?

Heritage Foundation | U.S. Shed 9,000 Mining, Energy Jobs in October, 17,000 Since May
Buried in Friday’s Bureau of Labor Statistics report on the country’s unemployment situation was this disheartening fact: 9,000 employees of the mining and resource extraction sector lost their jobs in October.