
Monday, April 15, 2013


Market Watch | Obama’s budget no compromise: Republican
A House Republican freshman on Saturday called President Barack Obama’s newly unveiled budget proposal “a blank check for more spending and more debt,” ripping into the plan in the GOP’s weekly address.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Daily Caller | Obama’s growth-busting budget
No matter how you slice the Obama budget pie, the inescapable fact is that the president wants to get rid of the roughly $1 trillion budget-cutting sequester and substitute in a $1 trillion-plus tax hike. In other words, more spending, more taxing. Growth-busting. The GOP should just say no.

Heritage Foundation | Hunting for Surprises in the Obama Budget
It is somehow fitting President Obama released his budget for Fiscal Year 2014 after Easter, a mere 65 days late—but who’s counting? Fitting because going through Obama’s budget is like an Easter egg hunt for which those in charge of hiding the eggs are masters of their craft. It takes time to find all the eggs mixed in among all the pretty plastic flowers of budgetary spin, and each one brings a new sense of awe and amazement if not delight.