
Monday, April 15, 2013


Politico | Tax Day: Not as bad as expected
It was supposed to be delayed and complicated, but when all the tax returns are finally filed, tax season 2013 might turn out to have been a relatively calm one.
CNN Money | Obama's tax returns: Income drops
President Obama and the first family saw their income drop slightly in 2012, according to tax returns released by the White House on Friday.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Politico | Small businesses need tax reform
Here we are on Tax Day, the time of year to rightfully reflect on our nation’s tax system. Most Americans immediately experience tax pain in terms of how much they pay to Uncle Sam. For our nation’s small businesses, the complexity of compliance adds insult to injury.
Washington Times | One hundred years of tax servitude
Happy birthday: The income tax is now 100 years old. In 1913, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified by three-fourths of the then-48 states.
Businessweek | The Economic Case Against Tax Deductions
As millions of exhausted Americans scramble to the mailbox with bulging envelopes or click send on multimegabyte files of scanned pages, many will curse a system that seems designed to drive the honest taxpayer to despair.
NY Times | A Tax System Stacked Against the 99 Percent
Leona Helmsley, the hotel chain executive who was convicted of federal tax evasion in 1989, was notorious for, among other things, reportedly having said that “only the little people pay taxes.”
AEI | Tax cuts aren't everything
April 15 is Tax Day in America. But it seems like every day is Tax Day on the right. Activists, policymakers, and wonks devote an incredible amount of thought and energy to fighting tax-hike efforts and to devising ways to reform the current tax code.
Heritage Foundation | Boxer–Sanders Carbon Tax Would Empower EPA to Crush Booming Energy Economy
In his 2013 State of the Union speech, President Barack Obama called on Congress to pursue a solution to climate change, or else he would do it on his own. The same week, Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman Barbara Boxer (D–CA) and committee member Bernie Sanders (I–VT) introduced the first major bill that would institute a carbon tax, the Climate Protection Act of 2013 (Boxer–Sanders).