
Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
WSJ | IMF Warns of More Debt Relief Ahead for Greece
The International Monetary Fund reopened the debate over whether European governments will need to take losses on their bailout loans to Greece, stating Monday that Greece's debt remains "much too high" and European commitments to lighten it are welcome.
Mercatus | Defense Spending and the Economy
While the potential impact of across-the-board federal defense spending cuts on national security may be up for debate, a new study published by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University finds predictions of these cuts’ dire impact on the economy and jobs grossly overblown.

Market Watch | Clinton worried DC will just spin its wheels on deficit
Former President Bill Clinton said Tuesday that he is concerned that Washington is just going to “keep spinning our wheels” about the federal budget deficit and urged the two parties to focus on tax reform instead.
CBO | A Tour of the Federal Budget
About ten days ago I gave a lecture about the federal budget to the introductory economics course at Harvard University. I titled the talk “A Tour of the Federal Budget and Possible Changes in Budget Policy” and tried to cover budget developments over the past several decades, the future path of the budget under current law, and some broad proposals for changes in spending and tax policies.