
Monday, May 6, 2013

General Economics

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
WSJ | A Tale of Two Oil States
Texas and California have been competing for years as U.S. growth models, and one of the less discussed comparisons is on energy. The Golden State has long been one of America's big three oil producing states, along with Texas and Alaska, but last year North Dakota surpassed it. This isn't a matter of geological luck but of good and bad policy choices.
Washington Times | Pocketing the keys to prosperity
The economic crisis that began in 2008 eroded public confidence in free markets — unjustifiably, in the minds of many — and set U.S. policy squarely on a path of increased financial regulation and governmental tinkering in the economy. Contrast this with many developing nations in Africa, where free markets have enjoyed something of a renaissance even after the downturn.
Politico | Trade pact right for U.S. and EU
Democrats and Republicans alike want to see strong economic growth and good jobs for Americans, even if at times we may disagree about how best to achieve these objectives.
Forbes | By Eliminating Failure, The Government Robs Us Of Success
Where does the Left get its power? From one source at root: a wrong standard of morality, of good and evil. Self-sacrifice is said to be the good, self-interest the evil. The Left blames every social and economic disaster on “selfish greed.” What caused the financial meltdown, according to the Left? The selfish greed of Wall Street bankers. Why was Obamacare passed? Because people are in need, and the greedy must serve the needy.

Library of Economics | The Pyramid of Macroeconomic Insight and Virtue
A calm assessment would reveal that the entire spectrum of macroeconomic opinion is sorely in need of self-improvement.  If you had to classify everyone with a position on the subject, you'd end up with a Pyramid of Macroeconomic Insight and Virtue that looks something like this