
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Health Care

Politico | Democrats fret over Obamacare as 2014 looms
Democrats are fretting that Obamacare is going to crush their hopes of big gains in the midterm elections, just like it cost them the House in 2010.
CNN Money | Here's the form to apply for Obamacare coverage
Starting in October, Americans without access to affordable health care coverage through their jobs will be able to shop for insurance for themselves and their families through state-run exchanges.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
WSJ | States Can Save Taxpayers $609 Billion
As the battle over Medicaid expansion rages in the states, supporters of expansion have dusted off an age-old favorite in making the case for taking federal dollars. They say: If our state doesn't take the money, those dollars will go to some other state instead.
NBER | Mergers When Prices are Negotiated: Evidence from the Hospital Industry
In healthcare and other bilateral oligopoly markets, prices are often negotiated by the contracting parties. Many hospitals have merged in recent years in part to gain bargaining leverage with managed care organizations (MCOs), leading to several antitrust trials.