
Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Real Clear Markets | The Irony Of An Internet Tax That Demands Simplification
The latest proposal to allow states to levy online sales tax is gaining traction because advocates say they have addressed one of the big objections to a federal law, namely the complexity of the current system of more than 9,500 separate taxing districts.
Washington Times | A second-term second chance
It’s not too premature to now say that President Obama’s second-term agenda is adrift — that is, if he ever had a really well-thought-out agenda to begin with.

Heritage Foundation | Internet Sales Tax Hits Fastest-Growing Industries
The Marketplace Fairness Act, also known as the Internet sales tax, would burden the fastest-growing industries in the United States with a tidal wave of new regulations, which is bad news for American consumers and entrepreneurs.