
Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Politico | Is a grand bargain out of reach?
They’ve been wined and dined by President Barack Obama, spoken repeatedly with the White House chief of staff and met privately in the Capitol.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Investors | Sorry, Secretary Lew, But Soaring Debt Is A Real Crisis — Not A 'False' One
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew calls concerns over federal debt a "false crisis." Like someone falling out of an airplane who refuses to realize he'll soon hit the ground, Lew is deluding himself — and us.

Heritage Foundation | Student Loans: College Costs Will Continue to Rise
Last week, the Senate passed a bill that would peg interest rates on federal student loans to Washington’s cost of borrowing (the Treasury rate) plus 2.05 percent. The bill also caps interest rates at 8.25 percent in the event they rise in the coming years. The House has praised the move, meaning it is likely to become the law.