
Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Politico | Max Baucus tax reform push at risk
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus’s effort to cement his legislative legacy with an overhaul of the Tax Code is at risk of faltering.
National Journal | Lawmakers, Lobbyists Push for New Tax Breaks Through Secret Process
The Senate's top tax writers' "blank slate" approach to tax reform was supposed to give Congress the chance to throw out all tax breaks and start fresh. Instead, lawmakers and lobbyists are using their confidential and off-the-record testimony and letters of support to ask for brand new or expanded tax breaks in addition to the old.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Market Watch | Obama to call for business tax overhaul
President Barack Obama on Tuesday will call for a restructuring of business taxes to generate revenue to fund job-creation programs.
Washington Times | The last days of the IRS
There has been much discussion about which banks and other financial institutions are “too big to fail.” In reality, no institution is too big to fail, including any private company or political entity, whether it is Detroit or the former Soviet Union. The more relevant question is, which institutions are “too big to succeed”?
Mercatus | Some Measures of the Progressiveness of the U.S. Tax Code
In 2013, federal income tax nonpayers were distributed throughout the earnings spectrum, with 32.2 percent of tax returns reporting less than $10,000 paying no income tax, and 33.0 percent of those making between $10,000 and $20,000 paying no income tax; the remaining 34.8 percent of Americans not paying income taxes were distributed throughout all income levels.