
Monday, July 15, 2013

Health Care

CNN Money | Scamming Obamacare harder than you think
The way some people have interpreted the latest Obamacare rule change, you'd think the administration was inviting people to steal from the government.
WSJ | Slowdown in Health Spending Could Be at Risk
The long upward curve of U.S. health-care spending finally seems to be flattening. But is it temporary or the start of a lasting change? With health-care costs nearing 18% of the nation's gross domestic product—$2.7 trillion in 2011—the health of the economy itself is at stake.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
WSJ | Why the President's ObamaCare Maneuver May Backfire
President Obama's announcement on July 2 that he is suspending the Affordable Care Act's employer health-insurance mandate may well have exposed his actions to judicial review—even though that is clearly what he sought to avoid.
NBER | Heterogeneity in Cost-Sharing and Cost-Sensitivity, and the Role of the Prescribing Physician
In this paper, we use individual level data on purchases of one of the most prescribed categories of drugs (cholesterol-lowering statins) to study the responses of physicians and patients to variation in the cost of drugs.

Heritage Foundation | Obamacare Exchange Contractor Target of Major Fraud Investigation
Last week, The New York Times reported that the Obama Administration over the Independence Day holiday quietly awarded “a contract worth as much as $1.2 billion” to Serco, a British company, to help develop the federal insurance exchange. Now comes word from London that Serco is one of two companies under investigation by British authorities for overbilling government contracts.