
Monday, July 15, 2013


Politico | No rush to fill in the blanks on tax reform
Senate Finance Committee leaders are running into a problem with their “blank slate” approach to tax reform: Many of their colleagues aren’t interested in filling in the blanks.
WSJ | U.S. Delays Rollout of Offshore Tax Dragnet
The Treasury Department said it would delay for six months the implementation of a global regulatory system that aims to make it harder for Americans to hide money offshore.
Politico | Lawmakers wrestle with cutting big tax breaks
As lawmakers wade into the specifics of overhauling the Tax Code, they’ll find it tough to enact major cuts in tax rates — for many, the only reason to bother with all the controversy that will come with a once-in-a-generation overhaul — without slicing a wide swath of tax breaks benefiting millions of Americans.

CATO | Debating Tax Havens
I never thought I would wind up in Costco’s monthly magazine, but I was asked to take part in a pro-con debate on “Should offshore tax havens be illegal?”