
Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Market Watch | U.S. to hit debt limit in mid-October, Lew says
The U.S. government will hit the debt ceiling and be unable to borrow money to pay its bills in the middle of October unless Congress votes to increase the federal debt ceiling, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said Monday.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
National Journal | Fiscal Fights Looming, Can Simpson-Bowles Group Get Congress to Move?
Fix the Debt effort has the cash to make campaigns difficult for uncompromising members. If only it would use it effectively.

Market Watch | Short-term deals on budget, debt ceiling now more likely: analyst
The Treasury Department’s fresh estimate that it will hit the debt limit in mid-October increases the likelihood that Congress will kick the can down the road for a few months, said Stan Collender, a budget expert, in a blog post Tuesday.