
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

General Economics

Bloomberg | Home Prices in 20 U.S. Cities Increased at Slower Pace
Residential real-estate prices increased in June at a slower pace, a sign the rate of improvement in the housing market is cooling.
MSN Money | Food prices heading higher
In recent weeks, I've been talking a lot about the specter of inflation. Most of this has to with the Federal Reserve, the banking system, and other high-finance issues. But there's another source of inflation bubbling up that'll hit every man, woman, and child in this country: Higher food prices.
Bloomberg | Consumer Confidence Index in U.S. Increases to 81.5
Confidence among U.S. consumers unexpectedly increased in August as Americans grew more optimistic about the prospects for the world’s largest economy.
Bloomberg | America Resilient Five Years After Great Recession
Ethan Harris, former chief U.S. economist at Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., recalls packing his family photos and top research into a suitcase five years ago on the Friday before the company went under.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
WSJ | Public Colleges Boost Economic Growth
The U.S. makes up less than a tenth of the world's population, but we have more than three-fourths of the world's greatest colleges and universities. Students from all over the world flock to America to obtain college degrees, and as we compete with other nations, America's dominance in this area is a tremendous asset. But affordable, public higher education is quickly disappearing—with grave consequences for the nation's future.
WSJ | Biggest Changes in a Decade Greet Students
Millions of students heading back to school are finding significant changes in the curriculum and battles over how teachers are evaluated, as the biggest revamps of U.S. public education in a decade work their way into classrooms.
Bloomberg | Don’t Blame the Fed for Asia’s Problems
It’s time to set our clocks back in Asia. (ADXY) Not to 1997, as many are recommending, but to 1994.
Mercatus | An Economy Buried by Regulations
A recent news report outlined the rather staggering growth in federal regulations over the years. RegData, a tool developed by myself and colleague Omar Al-Ubaydli for the Mercatus Center, documents how many regulatory restrictions have been put in place by the federal government.

Market Watch | See the cities where home-price growth is cooling the most
Some cities are seeing  moderation in the home prices that have been racing higher for months, according to data released Tuesday morning.
CNBC | The 5% recovery: Why most are still in recession
How strong the economic recovery has been since the Great Recession ended in 2009 probably depends on viewpoint.