
Thursday, September 19, 2013


CNN Money | BlackBerry to lay off 40% of workforce - report
Another week, another spot of bad news for BlackBerry -- and its employees. The company's shares tanked Wednesday on a report that BlackBerry will soon lay off up to 40% of its workforce.
Bloomberg | Jobless Claims in U.S. Increase Less Than Forecast
Jobless claims in the U.S. rose less than forecast last week as two states began working through a backlog of applications that were caused by computer-system changeovers.
Bloomberg | Women Waiting Tables Provide Most of Female Gains in U.S.
It’s almost 6 p.m. on a Friday and the tables near the bar at The Hamilton in downtown Washington are getting crowded. That means waitress Victoria Honard is busy.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
WSJ | Tales from Ohio State: How the Class of '08 Found Jobs
Megan Abady wasn't thrilled to move to Wisconsin after graduating from Ohio State University in the spring of 2008. But a job was a job, and this one, a supply-chain position at Kimberly-Clark Corp., paid fairly well. So the marketing major signed the contract and expressed relief that, unlike many of her classmates, she was employed.
CRS | Unemployment Insurance: Programs and Benefits
Various benefits may be available to unemployed workers to provide income support. When eligible workers lose their jobs, the Unemployment Compensation (UC) program may provide up to 26 weeks of income support through the payment of regular UC benefits.