
Thursday, September 19, 2013


USA Today | Fed delay is risky business: Our view
Wall Street wasted no time breaking out the champagne Wednesday when the Federal Reserve unexpectedly said it would continue jolting the economy with $85 billion per month in bond buying. And why not? Everyone likes easy money.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Washington Post | The Fed takes the country further into uncharted waters
Americans may never agree on who or what caused the financial crisis that began five years ago with the collapse of Lehman Brothers. But at least one consequence of the crisis is indisputable: the assumption of massive economic power by the Federal Reserve.
Fortune | The Fed has lost all credibility
The Federal Reserve's exit from its bond-buying experiment in monetary policy was never going to be pretty. It just got a lot messier.

Economist | Septaper surprise
As my colleague notes, the Federal Reserve surprised many of us yesterday by deciding to maintain its current pace of asset purchases, at $85 billion per month, rather than "taper". Ben Bernanke, the chairman, also made a number of interesting remarks that push policy in a decidedly more dovish direction. All in all it was a complex policy decision, and it's worth going through it piece by piece.