
Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
CBO | The Economic Effects of the President’s 2015 Budget
Each year, after the President releases his budget request, CBO analyzes the proposals in that request. Using its own economic projections and estimating procedures, CBO projects what the federal budget would look like over the next 10 years if the President’s proposals were adopted. CBO usually provides that information in two reports: The first examines the proposals’ effects on the budget but generally does not incorporate their effects on the U.S. economy.
CBO | What Are Some Key Policy Choices Posed by the Prospect of Rising Federal Debt?
As discussed in yesterday’s blog post and in CBO’s The 2014 Long-Term Budget Outlook, if current laws remain generally unchanged, debt held by the public is projected to exceed its current percentage of GDP—74 percent—after 2020 and to continue rising on a path that would ultimately be unsustainable.