
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

General Economics

FOX News | If other countries sneeze, will US catch a cold? An expert's case for US recession next year
Employers in the U.S. are creating jobs at the fastest pace since the late 1990s and the economy finally looks ready to expand at a healthy rate. But sluggish growth in France, Italy, Russia, Brazil and China suggests that the old truism, "When the U.S. sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold," may need to be flipped.
Bloomberg | Oil Sands Gushing Jobs Mark Divide in Canadian Economy
The oil- and gas-rich western province was responsible for all of the country’s net employment growth over the past 12 months, adding 81,800 jobs while the rest of Canada lost 9,500. Alberta’s trade surplus, C$7.4 billion ($6.9 billion) in May, almost matched the deficit rung up everywhere else.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Real Clear Markets | Beware All the Retirement 'Crisis' Reports
If the amount of press ink used to report a study is any indicator of its contribution to public understanding, the National Institute on Retirement Security's (NIRS) 2013 report, "The Retirement Savings Crisis: Is It Worse than We Think?" might be the gold standard on the subject of retirement security.
Washington Times | Costco and the perils of mixing politics and business
When I was a small child, one of the most dramatic and effective business boycotts in the history of America occurred. This, of course, was the Montgomery bus boycott. By refusing to ride the bus, blacks who were being discriminated against were able to terminate many discriminatory practices not only in Alabama, but throughout the South. The white-owned businesses were clearly being unfair, and the public transportation system was no better. The actions taken were most appropriate and, in many cases, quite heroic.
Investors | Obama Recovery Turns 5: Are You Better Off?
In a speech last week in Delaware, President Obama was positively bursting with pride about what his policies have produced since the economic recovery started five years ago.
Market Watch | Great Crash of 2016, third $10 trillion loss this century
Sometime after the Great Crash of 2016, Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen will be testifying before Congress, just like Alan Greenspan was forced to do in 2008. She will be explaining why America has already had three megacrashes in the 21st Century, each draining roughly $10 trillion, each a direct result of Federal Reserve policy failures. She will be forced to explain why the Great Crash of 2016 was a clone of the bank credit crash of 2008 and the 2000 excesses.
Daily Signal | Is America Still a Land of Opportunity?
Cultural and economic factors are constantly shaping the opportunities open to Americans. Tracking those factors—and focusing policy and civil society attention on them—is the mission of a new publication from The Heritage Foundation’s Institute for Family, Community and Opportunity.