Bloomberg | Biggest Economies Plan to Keep G-20 Growth Pledge, Official Says
The Group of 20 economies meeting this week in Cairns, Australia, have kept a target to boost gross domestic product by 2 percent over five years in a draft of the meeting’s communique, even as the global outlook dims, an official said.
Fox News | Yellen says many US families highly vulnerable to financial setbacks because of low savings
The Great Recession showed that a large number of American families are "extraordinarily vulnerable" to financial setbacks because they have few assets to fall back on, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said Thursday
Bloomberg | Slump in U.S. Housing Starts Led by Multifamily Units: Economy
Housing starts slumped in August from the highest level in almost seven years, reflecting a setback in multifamily projects that are at the forefront of the rebound in U.S. real estate.
Market Watch | Yellen says poor Americans live in ‘sobering’ conditions
The condition of lower-income families in America is “sobering” even as the economy recovers, Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen said Thursday.
Econ Comments & Analysis
CNN Money | Millennials are staying put at mom and dad's place
Remember all of those Millennials living in their parent's basements because they couldn't find a job or afford a place of their own?
Fox Business | Gas Prices Sinking, Airline Tickets Next?
Well here’s some good news for consumers, the price you pay at the pump is on a rapid decline, and the price of your airline ticket might be next. | Obama's Subpar Recovery Gets A "B-Minus" Grade
The Census Bureau has just released its 2013 edition of "Income and Poverty in the United States," sometimes called the nation's "economic report card."
AEI | US housing finance in 100-year perspective
In the housing boom which went along with the general boom of the 1920s, the remarkable “Coolidge Prosperity,” the number of U.S. savings and loans grew to over 12,000.
Wall Street Journal | Rent Boom: Apartment Construction Hits Highest Level Since 1989
Housing construction dipped in August, driven by a 32% drop from July in the notoriously volatile multifamily sector.
Wall Street Journal | The Biggest Economic—and Political—Puzzle: Persistently Flat Wages
It is in many ways both the ultimate economic puzzle and the great political challenge: Why have American incomes remained so flat, for so long, and what can be done to change that?