
Thursday, January 8, 2015


Market Watch | Fed signals low inflation won’t be obstacle to rate hike
Federal Reserve officials don’t need to see inflation pick up before hiking interest rates, according to minutes from the December meeting released Wednesday, suggesting the central bank is looking through the current low inflation rate.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Wall Street Journal | Fed Warns on Global Growth Fears
Federal Reserve officials, worried about weak growth overseas, are endorsing new measures by foreign officials—most notably at the European Central Bank—to stimulate their economies.
Bloomberg | Why the Fed Won’t Tank the Stock Market
Investors in the U.S. seem fixated on a gloomy outlook for 2015, in which the Federal Reserve's efforts to remove economic stimulus cause stock and bond prices to fall. They're missing an important detail: If the Fed raises short-term interest rates above those in other major economies, U.S. markets may actually benefit.