
Tuesday, November 19, 2013


CNBC | Damage to city budgets: Some was self-inflicted
Five years after a once-in-a-lifetime global financial collapse and the Great Recession, many American cities now caught in a financial bind can rightly blame forces beyond their control.
Politico | GOP appropriators urge budget deal — soon
The thirteen top Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee joined in a letter Monday urging budget negotiators to “redouble” their efforts and report a top-line number for discretionary spending before Thanksgiving — or no later than Dec. 2.
National Journal | Did the Shutdown Even Matter?
When budget negotiations began last month, Democrats felt confident that public opinion surrounding the government shutdown would force Republicans to the table, eager to prove their party could compromise.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
Politico | Budget committee can’t fail
The budget panel — a conference committee created to help avoid another government shutdown — can’t fail.