
Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Bloomberg | Yellen Nomination for Fed Chairman to Get Vote This Week
Janet Yellen’s nomination to be chairman of the Federal Reserve is scheduled for a Senate Banking Committee vote this week, advancing her confirmation.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
WSJ | Fed Official Says Big Banks Need Higher Capital Levels
Very large banks that count broker-dealer operations as an important part of their business need to hold higher levels of capital to reduce the risk these firms pose to the broader financial system, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston President Eric Rosengren said Monday.
Washington Post | Banks aren’t the bad guys
Economic historians debate the causes of the Great Depression — from the gold standard to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act — but few assign much blame to criminal fraud.
Washington Times | The failed Fed
“I wouldn’t start here if I were you,” is the punch line of an old Irish joke, which monetary scholar Kevin Dowd cites to illustrate the deeper and deeper hole the Federal Reserve is getting us into.
Real Clear Markets | A New Chapter Begins In 'Too Big To Fail'
On November 14, 2013 Moody's Investors Services made an important announcement. They reviewed their credit ratings assessments on the eight largest US banks and "removed all uplift from US government support in the ratings for bank holding company debt." This marks the beginning of a new chapter in the too big to fail issue.
CATO | Europe’s Bank Money Blues
Well, it’s official, the economic talking head establishment has declared war on Germany. The opening shots in this battle were fired by none other than the United States Treasury Department, which had the audacity to blame Germany for a weak Eurozone recovery in its semi-annual foreign exchange report.
Heritage Foundation | Yellen Hearing Exposes Fed’s Regulatory Fault Lines
Janet Yellen, President Obama’s nominee to chair the Federal Reserve, told the Senate Banking Committee on November 14 that she is prepared to exercise a full range of regulatory “tools” to alter the actions of major financial institutions.

WSJ | Fed’s Plosser Objects to Open Ended Asset Purchases
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia President Charles Plosser on Monday said the central bank should set a fixed amount for its bond-buying program, rather than trying to fine tune asset purchases based on month-to-month variations in the economy.