
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Health Care

National Journal | More Early Warning Signs of Obamacare Site Issues
Another document released by House investigators shows early warning signs of's readiness in jeopardy.
CNN Money | Missing from Obamacare: Working & middle class
Obamacare is intended to make health care affordable for the masses. But so far, most of those who have signed up are paying full price.

Econ Comments & Analysis                                                                                            
WSJ | No Bailouts for ObamaCare
With every passing day, ObamaCare's flaws are being exposed in painful ways for the American people. What started as a broken website—and nonexistent Spanish one—is now snowballing into a full-scale disaster that makes it increasingly clear this law can't be fixed.
FOX Business | The Unaffordable Care Act
President Barack Obama has said this:“This is the most transparent Administration in history.” The health-care law “does not grow the deficit by a single dime.”